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CVIC 2021-2022 COHORT | Data Snapshot

The University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA) evaluation team developed a survey to collect systemic, self- reported information from all 52 Community Violence Intervention Collaborative (CVIC) community-based organizations (CBOs). The survey included questions about the organization’s budgets, funding, partnerships, collaboration, and staffing on May 1, 2022.

Scaling Safety: A Roadmap to Close America’s Safety Gaps | Alliance for Safety and Justice

Scaling Safety: A Roadmap to Close America’s Safety Gaps is a first-of-its-kind attempt to estimate what it would take to bring to scale the very safety solutions that both impacted communities and most voters want.

Helpful Resources for Contacting the Offices of Members of Congress and Senators

Byrne/JAG and HUD/EDI Earmark Accounts

Byrne/JAG and HUD/EDI Earmark Accounts: What they Can and Cannot be Used For & Supplemental Questions You Will Be Asked

Fundamentals of Community Violence Intervention Training

Community Violence Intervention is a resident-driven, victim centered, impacted people-led strategy to address violence through a public health approach. CVI involves mediating conflict, getting people involved in violence on a path away from violence and toward stability, preventing revictimization, and more. When executed properly, community violence intervention work is transformative for individuals and communities. 

1/27 Webinar: Operational Essentials for Community Violence Intervention Organizations

Is your organization ready to apply for a major government grant? Philanthropic dollars? Download the CBPS Collective Operational Essentials Checklist.

Building Capacity for CBPS Organizations Working to Reduce Violence | CBPS Collective Report

A Guide for Funders, Policymakers and Practitioners

Redefining Public Safety: CVI 101

Looking for the basics about community violence intervention, about violence as a public health issue and the formula for implementing CVI/CBPS in your community? Check out this CVI 101 training presented recently by our Policy Director, Alisa Blair.

Violence Intervention Terms and Definitions

People use lots of terms interchangeably to describe the professionals who do community based public safety work. Here is the Collective's glossary.

Federal Earmark Request Process: Vetting Questions that Non-profits May Be Asked

Fundamentals of Community Violence Intervention Training

2/18 Webinar | Partnerships: The Benefits and the Challenges

The right partnership can be powerful. Find partnership resources from this webinar.

Community Based Public Safety: Centering the Public in Violence Prevention and Community Wellness

This paper presents: 1) Current approaches to addressing community violence and public safety and how it differs from what the public wants regarding public safety and community wellness. 2) Community Based Public Safety as a public centered public health approach by trained professionals from the community to decrease community violence and increase community wellness without the harmful consequences and inequity of current approaches. 3) How government leaders, policymakers, and funders can support Community Based Public Safety.

Redefining Public Safety in America | CBPS Collective Report

A National Scan of Community Based Public Safety Initiatives

Cover image of the report Redefining Public Safety in America with people inn various meetings

Featured Resources

Cover image - text - Building Capacity for CBPS Organizations Working to Reduce Violence with an image of Aqeela Sherrills
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