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Giving Tuesday: Support Community Violence Intervention

This Giving Tuesday, donate to the Community Based Public Safety Collective. Our work is transforming the face of community based public safety, supporting organizations across the nation as they prevent violence and heal trauma in their communities.

The Collective is composed of the nation’s premier practitioners of, trainers in, and technical assistance providers to community based public safety professionals, as well as those policy and political stakeholders in need of education and background regarding the framework, history and provision of violence intervention. The Collective advocates for and provides training and technical assistance to community-driven violence reduction strategies. The Collective provides thought leadership to organizations and their workers. The Collective also vets and assigns subject matter experts on a broad range of subjects in the field, including targeted casework, high-risk intervention, victim advocacy, school safe passage, policy advancement and community organizing to increase community safety.

This has been a year of growth and hard work for our organization. We brought a number of experts onto our staff, worked with community based public safety organizations throughout the country to help them fulfill their violence prevention missions, built out our own capacity, and joined forces with other groups to support the Biden-Harris Administration’s Community Violence Intervention Coalition.

Join us in our work! We appreciate your generous donation today. (Donations to the Collective flow through the Newark Community Street Team. Just designate CBPS as the recipient for your donation.)

Thank you!

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